Friday, January 16, 2009

Rainbow by the Asheville Airport Exit

While riding my motorcycle down Interstate 26, about a week ago, there was a fine mist coming from the clouds that resulted in a brilliant rainbow.

This was taken just after pulling to the side after exiting the highway by the Asheville Airport.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Asheville Wedding Photography

With spring coming up in a couple of short months, now is the time to start reserving dates for photography for your wedding. Performance Impressions, LLC has recently reduced all wedding photography rates. In addition to our packages and regular rates, custom wedding photography packages and and hourly rate can be contracted for your wedding. Visit us on the web: Asheville wedding photographers on call for you.

This is from a wedding last spring in Pompano Beach, Florida. Amanda was glowing as she was walking down the isle. The weather was just right. The mid afternoon wedding saw slightly overcast skies which led to great lighting conditions for outdoor wedding photography. It was a great honor to take be there to photograph Joseph and Amanda's wedding.

John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin All Over the Xmas Jam

John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin performed both nights of the 2008 Warren Haynes Christmas Jam. On Friday night, John Paul Jones sat in with Gov't Mule for a set of Led Zeppelin songs including "When the Levee Breaks". In this photos, John Paul Jones came out on the second night (Saturday) for a duet with Warren Haynes and JPJ on his Gibson mandolin.

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