Sunday, February 9, 2014

Marty Stuart…he is the heart of Country Music

By Butchie (Butch Worrell)
     Nashville, TN

 Once the King of Country music was Roy Acuff, then Porter Waggoner succeeded him. Now the true King of country is Marty Stuart. Not just because he is a great instrumentalist, or a great vocalist, or even a great songwriter, it is because his heart is the biggest and the best.

Marty played twice on Friday, Feb. 7th. The official show was at the Franklin Theatre where Marty and his Superlatives, as usual, rocked the house. But it was the first time that he played that proved his heart is the biggest and best in Country Music. It was the funeral for Dot Leverett, wife of the legendary Grand Ole Opry photographer Les Leverett. Marty, a great photographer himself, has been friends with Les since his career began, playing for Flatt and Scruggs while a young teen-ager. Marty cares about his friends and is always doing what he can for them. Playing at Dot’s funeral is just one example of this. There are countless other examples that make him the heart of Country. Which to me is why he is the true King of Country.

1 comment:

  1. I have shaken Marty's hand several times. He is a generous gentleman, never far from the real base and truth of country music.
