Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Crosby Still & Nash - Deja Vu at the Beacon

Photos and article by Bill Kelly

About mid-way through their 3rd night set at NY's Beacon Theater, David Crosby mentioned to the crowd that they never "considered themselves a political band."  After an appropriate amount of derisive laughter from the mostly senior crowd, he went on to rail about the current state of media politics and the general rotten state of affairs.  Then, he said, things would get weird, breaking into "Deja Vu" from their 1970 release of the same name.

And deja vu it was, but not strictly in the sense of old songs done well.  The band sounded great, with the famous harmonies maybe a little ragged at the edges, but still soaring to soul moving highs.  Featuring solo numbers from each member including material from Crosby's new solo effort "Croz" and a good cross section of hits, the band evoked that felling we had back with the songs were new - that wide eyed, optimistic youth could change the world.  And maybe, in some ways we did.  There is progress in undying hope, and hope in tolerance.  Many things in the world remain the same; wars are fought, politicians are bought and sold, we seem more polarized than ever, but still, CSN's audience sings with the band about justice and two cats in the yard.

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