Friday, August 2, 2019

Guns were blazing in Greensboro!
By Douglas White
     The historic Cone Denim theatre in downtown Greensboro, NC roared to life Saturday night, 13 July 2019. The L.A. Guns took to the stage in support of their new album 
"The Devil you know".
    If you're not aware, L.A. Guns have been around with various members, including Axel Rose (playing under his real name William Bailey), since 1983. Traci Guns and lead singer Phil Lewis, (most recently of the "Girls") have performed together off & on since 1987. Their collaboration has produced two Gold records and has sold over six and a half million albums. The Guns lineup has changed more than a professional hockey team. To say that the relationships have been tumultuous is an understatement. Thankfully Lewis & Guns have reunited to create an album that shows neither  has let age hamper their talents. It's only enhanced them.